Support us

Become a monthly sponsor or donate once!

  • Become a monthly sponsor with USD 12; 24; 60 / 100; 200; 500 SEK.
  • Donate one of the sums once and get a beautiful gift card
    (this option will soon be available in our Shop)
  • Donate any amount once
  • Your gift will be used for the Resource Center (rent, compensation for its trained staff, materials such as books, toys, etc.) For students who temporary lack school fees and also for our other projects such as workshops, seminars and outreach.
  • The money is safely transferred through our Swedish sister organisation MyAfrika:
    by Swish 123 526 72 81
    our Shop
    or Plusgiro 65 92 22-4
  • You may cancel your monthly donation whenever you wish.

Learn more about our work at the Center and how you can become a part of it in this new information FILM

If  you choose to become a monthly sponsor – please send us an email in conjunction with your first transfer.